Chrono Cops – Elite Time Patrol

Proving once again that melodrama isn’t all wild-west villains and distressed damsels, d20 Stageworks gives the genre a sci-fi spin in Chrono Cops.
Proving once again that melodrama isn’t all wild-west villains and distressed damsels, d20 Stageworks gives the genre a sci-fi spin in Chrono Cops.
Villains have stolen the secret to time travel and have changed history. Now our heroes, the titular Chrono Cops must travel to the past, then back to the future, then sideways to an alternate present, all in a timeless pursuit of justice. But can they save America … the world … time itself? Answers, and many, many laughs, can be found in this spoof of ’60s science fiction series like Time Tunnel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and Lost in Space.

Cast & Crew
2 women // 2 men
6-10 extras
Full-length play; 2-3 Acts
Melodrama, Comedy
Approx. Run Time: 90 min.
Variations: With and without sing-a-long introduction.
Performance Group
Professional Theater, High School, College Theater, Dinner Theater
Production History
Pocket Sandwich Theater, Dallas, Texas